H.NO - 3- 4-172/A , Sai Nagar, Karimnagar Mobile No:9849330378 Email:palakurthi.shashank@gmail.com
To get placed in an Organization that utilizes my skills to the core and gives room for self-growth.
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Ability to work cooperatively in group with good communication skills. Fast learning, committed and able to work under pressure. Effective Team Leader and Adaptable. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS:
Programming Languages: Basic C Web Designing Tools : PHP Operating Systems: Linux, Mac OS, Ubuntu, Windows OS Others: MS Office, MS Word, PowerPoint Presentations
PERSONAL SKILLS: Communication Skills Interpersonal Skills Pro active Optimist
District level winner of “Startup India yatra” on October 4th, 2018. Attended workshop on “Digital Marketing” conducted by DIGITAL HAT. Participated in “Internet of Things “workshop at BITS PILANI – Hyderabad. Member of “IEEE All Hyderabad Section Computer Society Student Congress 2018” Attended 2 day workshop on “HTML, CSS and Node JS” conducted by SWECHA. Attended a congress on “Startup Conclave 2018 - Educate To Innovate 1.0” at Engineering Staff College of India.
Coordinator for all cultural events at ‘YASHOYAAN 2018’. Head Organizer of “TechSpartans” student club.
Design Consideration and comparative evaluation of swarm intelligence Google project loon Positive Attitude
Published a paper on “Predicting emergency department services in hospital using Machine Learning “ in IOSR-JCE Published College Magazine “TALENTIA” on 1st international conference on Cutting edge technologies in computing and communications (ICCETCC'19) Published in 1st international conference on Cutting edge technologies in computing and communications (ICCETCC'19) on ENERGY EFFICIENT AND SECURED PRE EXISTING ROUTING IN MOBILE AD-HOC NETWORK by JETIR at JITS
An Application for user may get any important and emergency calls or messages through integrating the mobile with SMTP email system. So the users will get notification of email or SMS to their email at his/her work stations.
To protect the networks, security protocols have been developed to protect routing and application data. However, these protocols only protect routes or communication, not both. Both secure routing and communication security protocols must be implemented to provide full protection. The use of communication security protocols originally developed for wireline and Wi-Fi networks can also place a heavy burden on the limited network resources of a MANET. To address these issues, a novel secure framework (SUPERMAN) is proposed. The framework is designed to allow existing network and routing protocols to perform their functions, whilst providing node authentication, access control, and communication security mechanisms. This paper presents a novel security framework for MANETs, SUPERMAN. Simulation results comparing SUPERMAN with IPsec, SAODV and SOLSR are provided to demonstrate the proposed frameworks suitability for wireless communication security.
Marital Status : Single Languages Known : Telugu, English and Hindi Hobbies : Surfing the internet DECLARATION: The statements given above are genuine and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.