Mobile: +91-7737576400
ENGINEER [energy
management, installation, testing, operation & maintenance]
Mid-Managerial Professional: Operation & Maintenance / Installation & Commissioning / Energy Management
Willing to work in power sector to enhance my knowledge & skills for organizational as well as personal growth
Offering over 7 years of experience in Energy Management, Electrical Operations & Maintenance, Installation& Commissioning
Currently associated with Stride Climate Investments, Ahmedabad Placed at PSPL site as Sr. Engineer
Skills in incorporating effective plans & schedules for Energy Management, maintenance operations and reducing downtime for enhancing operational efficiencies with focus on optimum utilization of Energy, manpower & materials
Capabilities in reducing incidence of costly breakdown and developing strategies to improve overall reliability and safety of plant, thus leading to business efficiency & excellence
Capabilities in effective and efficient uses of energy and its management
Superb balance of technical know-how with workforce management and collaborative abilities
Conversant with control and switchgears, protection of electrical equipment and operations of Inverters & Circuit Breakers
An effective communicator with good planning, analytical and problem-solving skills
Since feb’19: STRIDE CLIMATE INVESTMENTS Site: PSPL & HIRACO 35 MW Porbandar, Gujarat
Company engaged Development of Solar PV plant and Operation & Maintenance
Sr. Engineer (operation & maintenance of solar PV based power plant)
- Taking care of plant & get work done from vendor, after completion of work verifying all the works & certify the work for payment processing
From Dec 15 to Feb 19: Shree Veerbhadra Enterprises, Bangalore (Juwi Renewable Energies Pvt. Ltd).
Site: ADORA Energy pvt. Ltd, Rajgarh M.P. from: Dec 2015 to Feb 2016
Site: Fortum Finnsurya energy, 12MW solar power plant, Shajapur, M.P From: Feb 2016 to Nov 2016
Site: NVR 36 MW soalr power plant, Village Richha, Ratlam, MP From: Nov 2016 to June 2018
Site:-Fortum 125 MW, Pavagada, KA From: June 18 to Feb 19
- Company engaged Solar PV plant EPC and Operation & Maintenance
Site Manager (operation & maintenance of solar PV based power plant)
- Planning & Execution of all site activities as per schedule & minimising breakdown.
- Attending all breakdown activities in minimum time
- Spare management
From July’15 to Dec’15: Tagros Chemicals India Limited, Dahej
- Company engaged in chemical production (Amine, Dychemba)
Engineer Electrical (installation Testing operation & Maintenance of electrical Equipment)
From Jun’13 to July’15: Rajasthan Energy Consultancy Services, Udaipur
- Company engaged in Energy Audit and management & solar product installation Operation & maintenance
Assistant Engineer (assist energy auditor while audit of different process plants and maintenance of installed solar products.)
From Aug’12 to May’13: Meghmani Organics Limited, Unit-III Dahej
- Company engaged in production of 2,4D, MPBD, TCAC, MCA
Jr. Engineer (Electrical) (electrical installation planning, testing & maintenance, worked under project of 2,4D plant & ETP plant)
Key Result Areas:
Electrical Project
Operations &
Installation &
Plant Operations
Spares Management
Training of new employee
Planning & effectuating preventive maintenance schedules and anchoring installation & commissioning of:
11KV panel, 33KV panel maintenance
Transformer, Inverter and Transmission line, UPS Maintenance
Fire Alarm System Panel Addressable System
Earth pit installation
Executing shutdown jobs like commissioning of new panels & Transformer, extension of panels
Carrying out overhauling of equipment, modifications and major repairs for improving equipment efficiency
Formulating plans for tackling breakdowns & spare parts management and taking action for resolving all major breakdowns
Identifying areas of obstruction/breakdown and taking steps to rectify equipment through application of troubleshooting.
Developing vendors for equipment, items, requirement specification & offer evaluation; monitoring performance of vendors for ensuring adherence to predefined specifications & supply of quality material / execution of job works.
Providing O&M and HSE training of New employee/sub-contractor.
Merit of introducing and developing an approach to maintenance incorporating principles of 5S Technology, TPM and the Kaizen philosophy, for creating plans, programs and effective strategies for personnel and equipment improvement
Quality Assurance
Monitoring adherence to quality systems and complying with various quality standards like IEEE, IS, IEC, NEMA, etc.
Document preparation for ISO and other statutory compliances.
Root cause analysis of major electrical breakdowns, (33KV breaker and PCC fault, switchyard, Transmission line, PV area Power failure analysis).
DCB Communication and SCADA operation maintenance & fault Detection
SAP system operation
MATLAB simulation
MS Office
Ranked the first at State Level Paper Presentation Organised at Govt. Polytechnic, Amravati By MSBTE, Mumbai
Member of ESSA
Throughout First Rank in Nasik Dist in EE during Diploma in every year
Having ELECTRICAL SUPERVISOR CERTIFICATE issued by Govt. of Gujarat.
2017: MBA in power management
2012: PG Diploma in ELECTRICAL PLANT DESIGN ENGINEERING silver medalist, from S.I.T. Mumbai.
2011: B.Tech Electrical Engineering from Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur, R.T.U. Kota Secured 69.73%
2008: Diploma in Electrical Engineering from MSTBE’s K.K.Wagh Polytechnic Nasik. Secured 75.00%.
Date of Birth : 23rd June, 1988
Languages Known : English, Hindi, Gujarati & Marathi
Passport No : M7836087
Address : St. 27, Qt.36, Narmada Nagar Township, P.O. Narmada Nagar, Bharuch (Gujagrat) 392015