shruti sharma

Computer Faculty

Nationality: India

Born on: 12/03/1989

City: Ludhiana

Country: India

Phone Number: +91 7652862993


Marital Status: Single

Sex: Female

Address: B-IV ,1060 Purana Bazar ,Ludjiana ,Punjab 141008


Outgoing Master of computer application and +3 years of experience in specialized computer Faculty. Seeking to leverage my technical and professional expertise to grow in the new role of Student.


April 2004 - March 2005

Ludhiana Punjab India

S.A.N Jain Sr.Sec.School

Secondary School

Work Experience

July 2014 - Till Date

Ludhiana Punjab India

SD Girls sr.sec.School

Computer Faculty

More than 3 yeras of experience as a computer faculty in SD Girls where my leading responsblities as follows:

Organize, maintain and manage class systems in proper working condition.

Teach students and learners to use computers.

Design and develop appropriate computer instructional material.

Manage and monitor student behavior.

Initiate and implement systems, procedures and other student management issues.

Develop and implement lesson plans and classroom activities in consistent with the student management issues.

Conduct group training sessions.

Determine and troubleshoot technology services for staff.

Coordinate and collaborate with lead teacher, principal and instructional coaches.

Integrate special lesson plans with core academic curriculum.

Language Skills

Hindi Native speaker

Punjabi Native Speaker

German Level A1

English Level Intermediate

Technical Skills

Good knowledge of C ,C++,HTML

Networking Skills

As a Teachers I wish to remain relevant in my given fields must also find the necessary time to fully grasp the basics of computer networking. If applicable, I also try their level best to totally understand just how institution’s computer network functions and exactly how it can be of benefit to them in my professional duties.

Email Management Skills

Email is now the most preferred means of written communication for most of us, in both our professional and personal lives. As an educator, you will have to be highly skilled in sending and receiving email messages and the various applications you need to utilize. You will also be required to be conversant with the variety of features and functionalities that these computer applications boast of. This includes mass mailing, link insertions, and even the utilization of email attachments in your communications with both your colleagues and students

Internet Navigation Skills

Generally speaking, I will have to find a good way of been able to efficiently navigate the internet for the exact data or teaching resources you stand in need of. I conversant with the basics of advanced search, including the utilization of Boolean operators within our search engine queries.

Electronic Presentation Skills

Electronic presentation applications are, in essence, part and parcel of an educator’s various teaching duties. As such, I have to find a way to master the art of creating electronic presentations for your classes. While more to the point, just how I can showcase them to your students and even colleagues and superiors

Database Management Skills,Word Processing Skills

As a teacher, I have learnt just how I can use databases. This includes been able to create database tables, storing, and retrieving data from those tables. While also knowing just how I can create the right queries for the information found in my institute’s databases.,undertake and ultimately complete all my written communications with both our colleagues and students in a markedly time efficient manner. i have learnt a lot just how to check spelling, create tables, and even insert hyperlinks into your word documents.